The history of family councils and a call for volunteers

Become a Volunteer


VIAFC, composed of family members and others with lived experiences, has been working for residents and their families and representatives for over 15 years.   During that time, there was no provincial policy regarding the development of family councils and, therefore, the majority of councils that formed over the years were staff-led.

The past Chair of VIAFC, Kim Slater, and others begin taking the concept of independent family councils to whatever provincial venue they could and, in 2021,  four additional Regional Associations of Family Councils, one in each Health Authority Region, were created, bringing the number to five.

Then a major milestone:  In November 2022, a change to the Community Care and Assisted Living Act required all long-term care homes in the province to engage with residents and families by way of establishing resident and/or family councils.

Since then, VIAFC volunteers have been approaching long-term care homes to assist with the formation of independent, self-led, self- determining councils. This team of trained volunteers meets with families and long-term care home operators and staff, providing guidance and encouraging families to participate in their family council and have the ability to be heard.

In October, 2022, the provincial association became a registered non-profit society, incorporated under the legal name of: “Independent long-term care Councils Association of BC”. (ILTCCABC)

ILTCCABC and its five regional associations are focused on providing tools, training, education, and guidance to councils across the province.  Our Ministry of Health and our BC Care Providers Association has each developed a resource aimed at developing and maintaining successful councils.

The development of ILTCCABC and its regional associations speaks to the enormous success of the culmination of all the work that has been done in securing the role of residents and families within the long-term care sector.  Now residents can have more say in their own care and the family voice is sought after and included at planning tables throughout the long-term care sector.  This is a good reason to volunteer.

Over the years, we have seen the shift in the population of people needing long-term care. Residents being admitted to long-term care now have more complex needs than ever before and, often, can no longer advocate for themselves but have to rely on their caregivers.  Therefore, the family voice has become even more important.

We celebrate each member of every council who makes a difference. Your commitment and perspective are invaluable in making sure our seniors have the best possible care when they move into long-term care.

Connect with us at VIAFC and join us in our pursuit of establishing and supporting a family council in every long-term care home within our Island Health region!

How often do we meet and what is my commitment?

  • VIAFC meets 4-5 times a year as a regional association.  
  • We meet monthly with the Chairs of the other four Associations.
  • Our three representatives (elected from our Executive) meet monthly with the Provincial Association of Family Councils.  Our work is ongoing and encouraging.  Our members contribute as much or as little time as they can.  We seek engagement with anyone who has direct experience in long-term care and who is passionate in their advocacy for its improvement.
  • Individual members may take on added tasks that interest them or are part of a special project with VIAFC (regional) or ILTCCABC (provincial) directly.

New membership to the VIAFC is always welcome!


Keeps you informed of what is going on in Island Health, in BC, throughout Canada and even globally, in the advancement and advocacy for improving quality of care and quality of life of residents in Long-Term Care

Gives you input into decisions and changes that may affect your loved one in Long-Term Care

Enables you to identify residents’ needs that can be met through a collective and organized effort

Gives you an opportunity to voice concerns and become a more informed and effective advocate

Gives you an opportunity to network with other families and family councils

Gives you support and understanding through shared experiences with other families

Provides the opportunity to learn more about the Island Health Long-Term Care vision and how we can influence its person-centered care in that development

Gives you an opportunity to use your experience, skills, interests, and talents to benefit residents and their families and representatives throughout Island Health and the Province.

Our volunteers are our greatest asset.  We appreciate the passion and commitment of all our volunteers, past and present and are always open to having that conversation with you.  

Please contact us at  Let’s chat!