- VIAFC’s Terms of Reference establishes our structure, duties and responsibilities.
- VIAFC membership includes members of family councils as well as others with lived experiences in long-term care within the Island Health Region.
- We are families, friends, and representatives of residents, all of whom have had lived experiences with loved ones residing in long-term care.
- VIAFC Executive duties and responsibilities presents a terrific advocacy opportunity for anyone who has ever lived through the journey of long-term care with a loved one. As with individual member family councils, we often share our tasks but for clarity, we elect an Executive, consisting of the following: a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary/Treasurer and 4 Regional Directors (2 for the North and 2 for the South.
Our People
VIAFC’s four Director positions:
- work closely with the rest of the VIAFC Executive
- assist in making connections or taking over connections made by the executive team
- act as the “boots on the ground” as our liaison to the long-term care homes in their respective areas
Past Chairperson
- May remain as an Advisor to the VIAFC executive for a year after the election if elected
ALL Executives will:
- Act in the best interests of the VIAFC.
- Be familiar with the VIAFC’s terms of reference, bylaws, policies, procedures and strategic plan, mission, etc.
- Ensures he/she avoids conflicts of interest of the association including operating in the best interest of the association not in self-interest or the interest of a stakeholder group.
- Respect confidentiality policies that pertain to executive discussions.
- Bring his/her own skills, experience and knowledge to VIAFC.
- Attend executive meetings regularly and arrive prepared.
- Supports Executive decisions once voted on.
By becoming a member of the VIAFC and participating in our forums, we hope that, in time, you will put your name forward to become one of our executive members and then, eventually, become an ILTCCABC representative and work at the Provincial Level to help facilitate improvement in the quality of care and quality of life for all residents in long-term care in BC.