We, a group of committed volunteers, believe that the ongoing involvement of families/friends/
or other persons of importance to residents and other advocates of long term care in all aspects of
the delivery of long term care results in enhanced care and improved quality of life for Residents
who live in Island Health Authority owned & operated or contracted long term care homes, and
who live with chronic or progressive conditions, primarily due to the aging process.
Terms of Reference
1. Philosophy
2. Purpose
2.1 Advocate for enhanced care and quality of life for all residents residing in long term care homes located within the Island Health Authority.
2.2 Support and encourage the continuing involvement of families/friends/ or other persons of importance to residents and other advocates of long term care in all aspects of the delivery of long term care.
2.3 Provide a forum for support, discussion, advice and involvement in decision-making with families/friends/ other persons of importance to residents and other advocates of long term care on issues relating to the daily lives of all residents of long term care homes located within the Island Health Authority
2.4 Promote understanding of the Residents’ Bill of Rights, Residential Care Regulations, Community Care and Assisted Living Act, Home and Community Care Policy Manual, and other relevant statutes, regulations, policies and practices as they pertain to implementation.
2.5 Share information and develop recommendations regarding quality of care and quality of life for Residents residing in long term care homes within the Island Health Authority and make formal representation to the appropriate jurisdiction/ authority
2.6 Meet regularly and as necessary with Island Health Authority’s Directors of the Long Term Care Program who are responsible for IHA owned &operated and contracted long term care homes – for the purpose of resolving concerns, exchanging information and sharing ideas.
2.7 Promote and support the development of independent family councils throughout the Island Health Authority.
2.8 Inform and assist independent family councils as necessary.
2.9 Take broader and unresolved long term care quality of care/quality of life concerns to the appropriate jurisdiction/authority.
2.10 Engage with the provincial association of family councils and advance the quality of care and quality of life for residents through dialogue with the Ministry of Health and other ministries as necessary about regulations and policies that impact the residents residing in long term care homes and their families.
2.11 Advance the role and opportunities of independent family councils within the Island Health Authority through dialogue with the Ministry of Health and other ministries as necessary about regulations and policies that impact on the operation of independent Family Councils within the Island Health Authority.
3. Membership
3.2 Each member stated below is entitled to one vote at VIAFC meetings and may hold office on the VIAFC Executive:
- a) TWO appointed or elected family council member representatives from each long term care home in the Island Health Authority to represent their individual Family Council.
- b) a Family Council member whose loved one is now deceased but wishes to continue their involvement in VIAFC.
- c) a person, other than those in (a) and (b) above, who is currently, or has in the past, been involved in advocating to enhance the quality of care and quality life of residents in long term care. Such a person may have previously worked in long term care, volunteered in long term care, been a member of a Family Council at some point in time, and, through
recommendation of a member set out in category (a) or (b) above wishes to advocate for Family Councils by becoming a member in VIAFC. This membership is subject to approval by the VIAFC executive.
4. Executive
4.1 The Executive committee will consist of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary-Treasurer, and two Directors who will be elected at the annual general meeting (AGM).
4.2 North Vancouver Island (Duncan and north) and South Vancouver Island will be equally represented in the positions of Directors.
4.3 The Past Chair will remain on the executive committee in an advisory position for one year.
4.4 If the Chairperson is vacated for any reason, the Vice-chairperson will immediately assume the office of chairperson. At the next meeting, the chairperson will ask the members if anyone is interested in filling the vacant vice-chairperson position for the remainder of the term. If only one member indicates his/her willingness to serve, that person will be appointed for the remainder of the term. If two or more members indicate a willingness to serve, a by-election will be held at this meeting to determine who will be elected to the executive position for the remainder of the term.
4.5 IF an executive office vacancy (excluding the Chair) occurs between elections, the Chair will ask the members at the next meeting if anyone is interested in filling the vacant executive position for the remainder of the term. If only one member indicates his/her willingness to serve, that person will be appointed for the remainder of the term. If two or more members indicate a
willingness to serve, a by-election will be held at this meeting to determine who will be elected to the executive position for the remainder of the term.
4.6 If the chairperson must temporarily discontinue involvement, the vice-chairperson will temporarily assume the office of chairperson.
4.7 If an executive officer (excluding the chairperson) must temporarily discontinue involvement, the chairperson will ask the members at the next meeting if anyone is interested in temporarily filling the executive position.
5. Meetings
5.1 Meetings will be held at the call of the Chair.
5.2 Meeting schedules will be a time agreed to by the majority of members.
5.3 Meetings may be held via “Electronic Means “using platforms such as Zoom or Microsoft teams which permit participants to communicate with each other or otherwise participate in the meeting at the same time, in a manner comparable, but not necessarily identical, to a meeting where all were present in the same location, and in relation to a vote, permits voters to cast a vote on the matter for determination in a manner that adequately discloses the intentions of the voters.
5.4 Prior to each year’s upcoming provincial association AGM, each regional association (RA) may delegate up to three of its members to be its RA representatives at provincial association meetings to take effect on the date of the next scheduled provincial AGM and to continue up to but not including the following year’s provincial association AGM. This process will repeat each year.
5.5 Voting procedures (including by Proxy) to be followed by RA representatives at provincial association meetings will be the same as whatever is stated in the bylaws of the provincial association.
5.6 Should a delegated RA representative not be able to attend a provincial association meeting, that representative can designate another RA member to be their substitute for that particular meeting.
5.7 Should a vacancy occur within the delegated RA representatives, the RA will delegate another of its members to serve as a delegated RA representative,
5.8 In the event that a delegated RA representative must temporarily discontinue involvement in the provincial association, the RA will delegate another member to serve as a temporary replacement.
6. Quorum
6.1 At least five members (two of whom must be VIAFC executive members) must be present to
constitute a quorum.
7. Minutes
7.1 An agenda will be prepared for each meeting. It will be circulated via email prior to each meeting along with the minutes of the previous meeting and any related attachments.
7.2 A copy of the minutes will be maintained in the VIAFC Minute Record Book, which will be kept in the possession of the VIAFC Secretary.
8. Evaluation Process
8.1 An annual review will occur at the Annual General Meeting to evaluate the effectiveness of VIAFC.
9. Amendment of Terms of Reference
9.1 Amendment may be made at any regular meeting of council by a two-thirds vote providing the proposed changes have been announced at the previous meeting.
9.2 On the last page at the end of the document, the original adopted date and all subsequent
amended on dates will be shown