Let's work together



    Vancouver Island Association of Family Councils

    Email: viafc.regional@gmail.com
    Website: https://vancouverislandfamilycouncils.ca

    Contact Us

    Email: viafc.regional@gmail.com

    Media Contact

    Ayelet Shahar Kulik, ITLCCABC Communications Manager
    Email: communications.iltccabc@gmail.com
    C: 778-989-8844

    Become a volunteer


    Regional Associations of Family Councils can be of assistance to LTC Operators by:

    Presenting at a town hall hosted by the LTC Operator, for the purpose of gauging interest among residents’ families and representatives on starting a family council and speaking to the importance of family councils.

    For more information about our organization feel free to reach out to us anytime.

    ILTCCABC Board of Directors

    Marcy Johnsrude, President:
    E-mail: president.iltccabc@gmail.com

    Lisa Dawson, Vice President/Secretary:
    E-mail: vicepresident.iltccabc@gmail.com

    Byron Yashuk, Treasurer:
    E-mail: treasurer.iltccabc@gmail.com